A FORMER Wirral furniture showroom building targeted by arson and antisocial behaviour will be demolished and six homes built in its place under new plans.

If approved the one-time Jacksons Furniture site on St Pauls Road in Seacombe will feature three six-bedroomed homes and three four-bed homes.

According to the plans, the six houses will be laid out over three floors in a single block, including accommodation in the roof space.

In a design and access statement submitted on behalf of the developer with the planning documents to Wirral Council, the planned development was described as "in-keeping with the built character of St Paul’s Road" and had been "designed to positively contribute to the area, combining an industrial aesthetic with a domestic scale."

Each property will include double bedrooms and larger shared spaces at ground floor level. They are described as giving "design interest" and "respond to local housing needs".

They will also have private open space to the rear including facilities for bin storage.

According to design and access statement, the current building is vacant and has been subject to "considerable fire damage". It has associated yard space to the north-western perimeter that is accessed from Wheatland Lane. The building also has service door access to the east, via Parry Street.

The statement described the planned new homes as: "a positive addition to the surrounding street scene and the scheme will have a significant beneficial impact on the area by regenerating this derelict site with a high quality building.

"The site is currently vacant and has been subject of arson and other incidents of antisocial behaviour. The proposed development will bring the site back into active use and will enhance natural surveillance.

"The rear gardens will be enclosed and we would envisage that all houses would be fitted with alarms as standard. In addition, occupiers would likely utilise features such as lighting and CCTV to act as a deterrent to criminal activity (as they would alert residents to unwanted activity and facilitate successful prosecutions)".

For more details on the application, click here