THEY can be the scourge of a community, attracting anti-social behaviour or vandalism - driving down the value of neighbouring properties in the process.

However, Wirral Council's team dedicated to addressing the issues that arise out of empty or derelict properties in the borough is working hard to bring these properties back into use, with the help of residents.

Since launching their Empty Property Hotline in October, 2006, the team has received a substantial number of referrals from residents who own, live next to, or know of an empty property. And they are asking for their continued help with their work.

Right now they are urgently looking to trace the owners of four properties that have been brought to their attention recently.

They are 96 Elmswood Road, Tranmere, 51 Alderley Road, Hoylake, 23 Park Road, Wallasey, and 27 Mainwaring Road, Wallasey.

If anyone knows who the owners of these properties are and/or where they can be contacted, they can contact the Empty Property Team on 0151 691 8005 or by email,

Cllr George Davies, cabinet member for housing and community safety, said: "I know the team is very appreciative of Wirral residents for the referrals they have received so far, their help is invaluable.

"There are still many more empty properties in Wirral that we don't yet know about so we would like to encourage the public to keep contacting the team with problem empty properties in their neighbourhoods."

To report an empty property or derelict land - residential or commercial - contact the empty property hotline on 0151 691 8005 or email