IT'S an optical display that has had scores of Wirral residents scratching their heads in amazement.

Motorists have been wondering why the newly installed wind turbines in Liverpool Bay look so much larger than they actually are.

The huge controversial structures began producing electricity out of wind in September, and it was only then that people noticed they seemed to be much bigger than they actually are.

Amateur photographer Matthew Cullum, 21, from Moreton, was alerted to the "miracle mirage" by an uncle, who first spotted "a monster turbine" looming above Moreton as he drove along Upton Road towards Moreton Cross.

"I took my camera out on Boxing Day, which was sunny, and was able to film it perfectly," said Matt. "It's a natural phenomenon caused by a light refraction in bright weather and is quite common at sea."

Our picture, by Globe chief photographer Dave Gennard, shows the turbines as seen as motorists drive down Hoylake Road in Birkenhead, towards the Tesco roundabout.

You can see Matt Cullum's fascinating video of the "Moreton Miracle" by logging on to the free website: